Risk assessment on infection control measure COVID-19 for Norway Yacht Charter AS
Contact person for the Business Administration: Geir Kristiansen, 95 87 54 35 og .
Infection Control Area:
Relevant areas will be railings, benches, and tables as well as toilets.
Overview of where people always are.
On all tours, there must be a dedicated infection control leader. The person will wear a yellow vest over the uniform and will have the primary responsibility for infection control.
Infection control manager
General measures Challenge:
Infection spreading in areas where people gather, like in places serving drinks and food.
Frequent washing of all surfaces and contact points. Good hygiene, high awareness, and accountability of employees.
- Information material for guests visible onboard on walls and tables, toilets, queues on the pier, and other places frequented by guests and employees to be reminded of the routines. In addition, the captain will incorporate infection control in his safety briefing for guests.
- Hand sanitizers/hand alcohol by the entrance, on the tables, on the bar counter, and in toilets.
- All employees must have good access to handwashing/hand alcohol.
- Frequent cleaning of contact surfaces. Ethanol-based disinfection can be used on clean surfaces (such as handles, keyboards, telephones, screens, and other surfaces), otherwise, good cleaning with regular cleaning agents or household chlorine is recommended.
- A thorough cleaning will be carried out before the first tour. Furthermore, all contact surfaces will be cleaned before the cruises, as well as once during the trip, and finally, after all, passengers have left the boat. Then we will also use ethanol-based washing.
- All tasks related to infection control are entered in the folder - diary
- Seats are organized at 1-meter intervals, and benches are marked where passengers should sit.
The general manager is responsible for ensuring that employees have access to cleaning equipment. All employees have an independent responsibility to familiarize themselves with and follow up on guidelines. All
employees must report violations to the infection control manager / general manager.
Entrance area/queue at the quay
Guests are queuing to get on board
- All employees must encourage guests to keep their distance.
- Employees must refuse guests who do not comply with the requirement to keep the required distance. (If a guest does not manage this outside, compliance inside is unlikely).
Captain/infection control manager at the entrance. Everyone has a responsibility to raise guests’ awareness of this.
Toilet area Challenge:
Infection at touchpoints, such as door handles/locks, washing basins, and drying solutions.
- The infection control manager is responsible for ensuring that routines for frequent cleaning of contact points are carried out and that logs are kept.
- The general manager is responsible for ensuring that information material which encourages guests to wash their hands thoroughly, as well as avoid touching contact points (for example using their elbow to open the door) should be available in the toilets.
The general manager is responsible for information material being available, the infection control manager has the main responsibility for frequent cleaning.
Movement in the room Challenge:
Guests move around the boat and interact with fellow guests and employees.
- Guests will be served at the tables. Both food and drink.
- Employees must always refuse to serve at the bar and take orders at the table.
Everyone is responsible for informing guests and not accepting orders at the bar.
Transmission on contact surfaces Challenge:
Infection through areas affected by several people.
- The infection control manager is responsible for cleaning places contact surfaces. As the virus can live on surfaces, frequent cleaning is important. This involves cleaning tables between each group of guests and other items used by passengers.
- If guests use handheld card terminals for payment at the tables, these must be cleaned by the employee who has received payment between uses.
All employees are responsible for ensuring that the cleaning is carried out to our infection control criteria.
Sound level/music Challenge:
A high sound level means that guests have to shout or lean next to each other to hear each other.
- The infection control manager is responsible for ensuring that there is a subdued sound level so that guests and personnel do not have to shout or be close to hear each other. This reduces the risk of infection while making it easier to guide and inform guests.
Infection control leader and purser
Measures to prevent all employees from being quarantined Challenge: If an employee is diagnosed with an infection, everyone who has been in contact with the person in question must be quarantined.
- If an employee has had close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus, he or she must be quarantined at home. Close contact means contact with an infected person with less than two meters for more than 15 minutes or direct physical contact. The person in question must be in quarantine for at least 14 days from the day the contact took place.
Challenge: If an employee is diagnosed everyone who has been in contact with the person in question must be quarantined.
- If possible and as far as we can, we will ensure the same employees to be at work for the same shifts. A mix-up of employees will mean that large parts of the employee group may risk being quarantined at the same time if the infection is detected.
The person who sets up timesheets and approves shift.
Infection among employees:
The crew can become infected, infect each other, and infect guests
- The crew must have received basic training in infection reduction measures and been made aware that they are responsible for following up on the workplace's routines and the authorities' guidelines and guidelines for infection control.
- The crew must follow the general infection control advice such as good hand hygiene, coughing in the elbow, and avoiding close contact with others where this is possible. It is also important that everyone avoids touching their face.
- The crew can download the infection app from the National Institute of Public Health to make infection detection easier. This is voluntary.
- The crew who have symptoms of a respiratory infection must stay at home for one day after they are symptom-free. It is important that everyone adheres to this, even if it may mean lost income.
- Finger rings are a possible source of infection as these are difficult to clean effectively. The crew must therefore not wear rings during working hours.
- Personal objects must be stored in a permanent storage place where they do separate from other objects.
- The mobile phone can be a source of infection, and employees should disinfect after using the phone.
Everyone has a responsibility to comply. The crew with symptoms MUST stay at home.
The spread of infection among guests Challenge:
Challenge that guests become infected and spread the infection to other guests and employees
- As intoxication can lead to some guests taking infection control measures less seriously, it is important to be extra aware of the guests' level of intoxication.
- Guests who show symptoms of respiratory infection should not be taken on board the boat.
All employees have a responsibility to ensure that guests follow the infection control guidelines.
Stay safe!